Saturday, 11 June 2011

How to power the planet

The dripping of a tap in your house can be more of an annoyance than a leaking water main in the street, even though the amount of water wasted from the tap is small compared to that of the water main. The importance of an issue to you depends on how you perceive it to impact your life. Small issues can seem more important than more serious ones purely by presenting themselves to us in our own houses, day in, day out.

This problem was illustrated recently in BBC 2's Wind Farm Wars. The program featured the dispute between residents living in Devon to a proposed nearby wind farm at Den Brook. Since its inception in 2004 the project has been subjected to constant objections and appeals by locals.

The Local Perspective
The resident's argument is centered around the potential noise caused by the turbines and the impact on the look of the valley. The wind farm is expected to generate power for between 10,000 and 13,000 homes or 49% to 65% of Devon's power needs. The amount of time and money wasted during the 7 year delay is vast, during this time the power for these houses has almost entirely come from coal, gas and nuclear sources. 

The National Perspective
Estimations of the amount of power that comes from renewable sources in the UK vary between 5.9% and 6.5% which is well below our target of 10% by 2010. Admittedly on-shore wind farms aren't as effective as off-shore sites, one way of measuring the efficiency of power generation is their "load factor", which is their actual output divided by their potential output. On-shore scores 21%, compared to off-shore at 29%, conventional power station are around 50%. Overall the cost per unit of electricity from wind farms is 3 - 4p per unit, which is comparable to the cost per unit for a modern coal power station at 2.5 - 4.5p, and is cheaper than nuclear at 4 - 7p. Renewable sources such as on-shore wind farms might not be the most efficient source of power, but they're definitely better than burning fossil fuels.

The Global Perspective
Carbon Dioxide emissions are a global issue, as a country we contribute 1.8% towards the total output. Out in front by a huge margin are China at 22.3% and the United States at 19.9%. These countries have huge populations so in order to get a more balanced picture we can look at the total carbon dioxide output per person. These are the top 20 CO2 producing countries ranked by tonnes per person. The Global Total is included as way of a benchmark.

In the UK 65% of our carbon emissions come from burning fossil fuels to create electricity. Using this we can work out how much CO2 is emitted per person due to burning fossil fuels to create electricity:

572,617,000 x 0.65 =  372,201,050 tonnes of CO2 per year as a country.
372,201,050 / 62,008,048 = 6 metric tonnes or 6,002 kg of CO2 per person per year.

The Den Brook wind farm could produce electricity for a minimum of 10,000 people, that means that the electricity wouldn't have to be generated by burning fossil fuels, which is a saving of 60 million kg of CO2.

Due to the 7 year delay this means that at least 420 million kg of CO2 has emitted unnecessarily.

1 gallon of petrol burnt in a car causes 10.4 kg of CO2 to be emitted. Each year that goes by without Den Brook being built is equivalent to 5.8 million gallons of petrol being burnt, the 7 year delay is equivalent to burning 40.4 million gallons of petrol.

This government report from 2008 states that petrol cars in East, Mid, North and West Devon used 108,300 tonnes of petrol per year which is equivalent to 28.7 million gallons of petrol. The proposed wind turbines would be like taking 20% of the cars off Devon's roads.

The residents of Den Brook are entitled to their views, however its clear to see what has a greater impact on the environment. I know I'd rather look out of my window and see a few turbines than 6 million gallons of petrol on fire.

What happens if the wind doesn't blow?
One of the major opposing views against wind farms is that we don't get consistent enough wind in the UK to make them viable and that the billions spent on them could be better spend. Wind speeds have been lower in recent years, however this doesn't necessarily mean this is part of a general trend. The Department of Energy and Climate Change publish statistics on wind speeds in the UK.

A study in 2007 by Garrad Hussan concluded:
"The indices appear to show no discernable pattern from one year to the next and therefore it is reasonable to assume annual mean wind speeds are randomly distributed." Long Term Wind Trends in Northwestern Europe - 2007 Garrad Hussan
One of the biggest criticisms of wind farms is that they are very costly to the tax payer, last year the subsidies paid by the UK government came to £1.1 billion, which works out to £18 per person.

In terms of cost per unit wind farms are one of the cheaper options for renewable power but alternatives still have to be used for times when the wind simply doesn't blow, new advances in solar and biomass electricity production may hold the answer.

Desertec are a company who are planning on building an array of solar thermal power stations around the world. The technology is still fairly new, as are the HVDC power lines required to transmit electricity over long distances, this means that the cost per unit is still relatively high, however the cost and efficiency will undoubtedly improve in the future. Many solar thermal power plants are already in use in Spain and other locations around the world with large numbers under construction. It is estimated that if only 1% of the Sahara Desert was used for solar thermal power stations it would generate enough power for the entire planet.

How to end world drought

"884 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly one in eight of the world's population." - Water Aid (WHO/UNICEF)
Drought is a big problem, as populations and desertification continue to rise it is likely to become an even bigger problem. Charities like Water Aid and UNICEF are spending millions per year on local projects such as building wells, but is there a way of solving the problem on a much bigger scale?

A large number of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa effected by drought are on the coast, although the initial costs of desalinating sea water are relatively high, along with the costs of piping the water to where its needed, the long term cost benefits of large scale projects are significant.

A Potential Solution
Huge desalination plants such as those built in the Middle East, Australia and the United States could potentially provide the model for solving the issue. A desalination plant such as the one in San Diego produces 190 million litres of clean drinking water per day and cost $300 Million (£184.7 Million) to build.
"The average person in the developing world uses 10 litres of water every day for their drinking, washing and cooking." Source: - Water Aid (WSSCC)
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 50 and 100 litres of water per person per day are needed to ensure that most basic needs are met and few health concerns arise." Source: UN - Water for Life
"Each person in the UK uses 150 litres of water a day. This takes into account cooking, cleaning, washing and flushing." Source: WaterWise
Using the current estimates on water consumtion, a desalination plant of the scale of the San Diego plant could supply water to 19 million people with an initial capital investment equivalent to £9.72 per person.

Using the WHO estimates for water consumption this could rise to £48.60 to £97.20 per person, although this estimate is far closer to water consumption levels in the wasteful developed world.

The Opposition
Desalination plants have been the subject of a large amount of opposition in the past. Issues include the energy required to desalinate sea water, the impact on the marine environment where the water is sucked up from and the impact of dumping the salt rich waste water back into the sea.

In 2003, Water International estimated that 44% of the cost of desalination was the energy component. The Kurnell plant in Australia takes all its power from a wind farm, and solar powered desalination plants in the Middle East are proving that the energy required doesn't need to have an environment cost.

The impact on the marine environment where the intake occurs can be mitigated by having a large number of intake pipes running at a speed slow enough for fish to escape and keeping pipes away from the sea bottom, breeding grounds and migratory routes of smaller marine life.

Some large scale desalination plants use a process called reverse osmosis to force the sea water at a high pressure through a membrane, filtering out the unwanted salts and impurities. The chemicals used in the cleaning of the equipment can be hazardous to marine life so its disposal needs to be carefully regulated.

Much of the opposition is focused on what to do with the salt rich waste water that is created a by-product of desalination. If this was simply put back into the sea it would disrupt the ecosystem around the outflow. An alternative is to evaporate off the water from the brine to create salt.
"The total salt requirement for Ethiopia is 350,000 tons per year. In spite of having its own sources, Ethiopia has been importing most of its needs. Production of salt by solar evaporation of inland brines is a relatively recent phenomenon in Ethiopia." Source: The Network for Sustained Elimination of Iodine Deficiency
The cost of charity
In 2010 Water Aid 2010 spent £45.6 million supplying water for 940,000 people and sanitation for 1.24 million people  However of the £45 Million expenditure only £28.4 Million went towards "supporting partners to deliver water, sanitation and hygiene", the rest was taken up by the cost of fundraising, staffing, influencing policy changes and other support costs. Source: Water Aid Annual Report 2010

Relative investment costs of water production 
A deep bore hole well with a submersible electric pump and diesel-powered generator costs $125,000 and will provide water for 6,000 people with a relative cost of $21 (£12.93) per person, Source: African Well Fund. A successful borehole can deliver up to 500 litres per hour or 12,000 per day.

Borehole: £77,000 to produce 12,000 litres per day = £6.40 investment per litre per day
Desalination plant: £184.7 million to produce 190 million litres per day = £0.97 investment per litre per day

Of course this figure does not include the huge cost of a pipeline network to deliver the water to where its needed. It seems like an unachievable goal however there was a project proposed by Rod Tennyson in 2007 to do this very thing, using two huge desalination plants and a 6000 mile network of pipes and pumping stations, the estimated cost would be in the region of $24 billion.

Considering that the Sub-Saharan African current spending on water supply and sanitation totals $7.6 billion per year, this mammoth project represents just over 3 years spending under the current strategy.